Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

cats in islam

Assalamualaikum...!!! Hello REader, today i wanna tell you abaout cats in islam.

Else where in Egypt are also in Europe, in this plain the cat is considered as a demonic magic or a disaster carrier. Inevitably, during the dark ages there was a massive extermination of these cute animals, spreading to North Africa. In fact, the epidemic that was considered by the public as a curse is a type of plague caused by the explosion of rat populations and cat population decrease as predators.

Prophet Muhammad SAW and his beloved cat

In the development of Islamic civilization, the cat is present as a true friend in every breath and movements stretching the development of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad had a cat named Mueeza. Once, when the Prophet was about to take his robe, he found Mueeza sleeping peacefully on his cloak. Not wanting to disturb his beloved animal, the Prophet cut off the slits of the arm that Mueeza slept from his cloak.

When the Prophet returned home, Muezza woke up and ducked prostrate to his master. In return, the Prophet expressed his affection by caressing gently to the tiny body of the cat 3 times.

In other activities, whenever the Prophet receives a guest in his home, the prophet always holds a mueeza and puts his finger on it. One of the characteristics of Mueeza that the Prophet liked was that he always mowed when he heard the call to prayer, and as if his voice sounded like following the sound of the call to prayer.

To his companions, the Prophet advised to love the pet cat, like loving his own family. The punishment for those who hurt this cute animal is very serious, in a hadith of al-Bukhari, narrated about a woman who never feeds her cat, nor does she take her cat to feed herself, the Prophet Muhammad also explains that the punishment for this woman is torture hell.

"From Ibn Umar RA that Rasulullah SAW said," A woman is put into hell because a cat she ties and is not given to eat is not even allowed to eat small animals on the floor "(Narrated by Bukhari).

Not only the prophet, the wife of the Prophet himself, Aisha bint Abu Bakr was very fond of cats, and felt very lost when left by the cat. A friend who is also an expert on hadith, Abdurrahman bin Sakhr Al Azdi given the nickname Abu Hurairah (father of male cats), because his penchant in caring for and maintaining various cats in his house.

The Respect of the Figures of Islam on the Cats

In the thirteenth century, as a manifestation of Islamic society awards, the likeness of cats was made as a carving of the Caliph's rings, including porcelain, statue to currency. Even in the literary world, poets do not hesitate to make poems for their pet cats who have been instrumental in protecting their books from rat bites and other insects.

In a book entitled Cats of Cairo, during the Mamluk period, Baybars Al Zahir, an Emperor who was also a front-line hero in the Crusade intentionally built special gardens for cats and provided various kinds of food in them. This tradition has become a custom in many major cities of Islamic countries.

Until now, from Damascus, Istanbul, to Cairo, we can still see the cats that roam the corners of the old mosque with a variety of food provided by the locals.

Cat Privileges

The Prophet stressed in some hadith that the cat was not unclean. Even allowed to perform ablutions using water used cat drink because it is considered sacred.

Why does the Prophet say that sacred cat, not unclean? Then, how does the Prophet know that the body of a cat is not unclean?

Scientific Facts 1

In the skin of the cat there are muscles that serve to resist bacterial eggs. The muscle of the cat can also adjust to the touch of human muscle.

The surface of the cat's tongue is covered by numerous small, pointy bumps, these bumps are crooked like a miser or a saw. This form is very useful for cleaning the skin. When a cat drinks, there is not a drop of liquid falling from his tongue. While the cat's own tongue is the most sophisticated cleaning tool, its rough surface can remove dead hairs and clean the remaining hairs on its body.

Scientific Facts 2

Various studies have been conducted on cats and age differences, differences in skin position, back, inside of soles of feet, mouth protector, and tail. In these parts the sampling is done with a swab. In addition, germplasm is also planted in special parts. Continue to take also a special liquid that is on the walls in the mouth and tongue.

Results obtained

- Results taken from the outer skin of a negative spiral of germs, although repeatedly done.

- Germinated comparisons give negative results of about 80% when viewed from fluid taken from the mouth wall.

- Liquids taken from the surface of the tongue also give negative results of germs.

- Once there are germs that are found during the research process, the bacteria belong to a group of germs that are considered as ordinary germs that thrive on the human body in such limited quantities, enterobacter, streptococcus, and taphylococcus. The amount is less and 50 thousand growth.

- No germin groups are found.

- A variety of reliable sources and laboratory results conclude that cats do not have germs and microbes. The saliva is clean and clean.

Comments The Doctors Researchers

- According to Dr. George Maqshud, head of the laboratory at Baitharah Animal Hospital, rarely found any germs on the cat's tongue. If the germ exists, then the cat will get sick.

- Dr. Gen Gustafsirl found that most germs are found in dogs, human 1/4 dogs, 1/2 human cat.

- Veterinarian at the Damascus animal hospital, Said Rafah confirms that the cat has a cleaning device called lysozyme.

- Cats do not like water because water is a very fertile place for bacterial growth, especially in waterlogging (mud, puddles, etc.)

- Cats also greatly maintain the stability of body warmth. He did not sunbathe a lot and was not close to the water.

- The goal is that bacteria do not move to him. This is a factor in the absence of germs in the body of a cat.

Scientific Facts 3

And the results of medical research and experiments that have been done in laboratory animals, found that the body of the cat clean as a whole. It is cleaner than humans.

Additional Scientific Facts

Ancient cat used for therapy. Cat snoring which is 50Hz good for health besides stroking the cat can also lower the stress level.Sisa cat food is sacred law.

Hadith Kabsyah binti Kab bin Malik reported that Abu Qatadah, Kabsyah's father-in-law, went into his house and he poured water for ablution. At that moment, came a cat who wanted to drink. Then he poured water in the vessel until the cat drank.

Kabsyah said, "Take note." Abu Qatadah said, "Are you surprised?" He replied, "Yes." Then Abu Qatadah said that the Prophet (s) said, "The cat is not unclean, he is a traveling animal (home animal)" (H.R At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).

Narrated and Ali bin Al-Hasan, and Anas who tells that the Prophet Saw went to Bathhan an area in Medina. Then, he said, "Yes Anas, pour my ablution water into a vessel." Then, Anas poured water. When it was finished, the Prophet headed for the vessel. However, a cat came and licked the vessel. Seeing that, the Prophet stopped until the cat stopped drinking and performed ablution.

The Prophet was asked about the incident, he replied, "Yes Anas, cats including household jewelry, he is not polluted something, not even unclean."

It is narrated from Dawud bin Salih al-Tammar and his mother who explained that his slave gave Aisha a bowl of porridge. However, when he arrived at Aisha's house, Aisha was reciting prayer. Then, he motioned to put it. Unfortunately, after Aisha finished her prayer, she forgot to have porridge.

Come to a cat, then eat a little porridge. When she saw the porridge being eaten by a cat, Aisha then cleaned up the part that the cat had touched, and Aisha ate it.

Rasulullah SAW said, "He is not unclean, he is a beast traveling." Aisha had seen the Prophet performing ablution from the rest of the cat's lick. "(H. R Al Baihaqi, Abd Al-Razzaq, and Al-Daruquthni).

This hadith narrated Malik, Ahmad, and other hadith priests. Therefore, cats are animals, whose bodies, sweat, marks from the remains of food are sacred, saliva clean and clean, and life is cleaner than humans.

Perhaps this is also why the Prophet SAW is very fond of Muezza, his pet cat.

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