Jumat, 30 Oktober 2015

Peel a bit about ninja martial arts

Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain about a little sport. Perhaps when talking about ninjas in the minds of people it must be said that the person wearing the black jokbah is covered with his face. Who is a weapon expert and carrying a sword on his back. But not so if the ninja can disappear. The ninja is also human. But what makes the ninja can disappear is tacting in escape with techtical ability in moving speed.
In the ninjutsu system, people who study ninjutsu are called shinobi. Shinobi is an expert in silent kill. In the Japanese language itself literally means someone who moves in secret.

A ninja is like a samurai who obeys his own unique rules, called ninpo. You need to know that a ninjutsu's skill is not killing, but infiltration. Thus, the skill of a ninjutsu is to infiltrate in silence. The history of the ninja itself is very difficult to track. Information about their whereabouts is stored tightly in a secret document.

The ninja word of the Japanese language consists of two syllables namely "nin" (hidden) and "Sha" (person). And for the word ninjutsu itself nin is "defense or hidden" and jutsu is "way or art". the word ninja was also taken from the word Ninpo. Po means "philosophy of life" or in other words, ninpo is "the highest philosophy of a martial ninjutsu who is fundamental to life to be a ninja.
The appearance of Ninja in 522 is closely related to the entry of "Nonuse" art to Japan. This nonuse art paved the way for the birth of the Ninja.

Art Nonuse or so-called art act silently, is a religious practice conducted by the pastors who at that time served to provide information to the people in government. Around the year 645, the priests refined martial skills and began using their knowledge of nonuse to protect themselves from intimidation by the central government.

In the year 794-1192, the life of Japanese society began to develop and gave birth to new classes based on wealth. This class family fought each other in an attempt to overthrow the empire. Family needs will be murderers and spies
Increasingly for power struggle. Therefore the demand for nonuse practitioners is increasing. This is the beginning of the birth of the Ninja. In the 16th century, the Ninja was already known and existed as a family or clan in the city of Iga or Koga.

 The ninja at the time was a profession closely associated with high-level intelligence in the feudal government of kings in Japan. Based on that, each clan has a tradition of teaching martial arts in secret in the family alone. The ninja was a professional spy in an age when the samurai still held the supreme authority in the Japanese government, the 12th century. In the 14th century, the fight for power was heating up, information about the activity, and the strength of the opponent became important, the Ninja became more active. The Ninjas are called by the Daimyo (a man of great influence in a region) to gather information, destroy, and destroy the armory or the food cellar, and to lead the raiding forces at night. Therefore Ninja get special training. The Ninja remained active until the Edo Period (1600-1868), in which the power was finally restyled by the government in the Edo period.

                Ninjutsu martial movement only kicks, throws, fractures and attacks. Then equipped with self defense techniques such as dings, cycles and auxiliary techniques such as escape, settling and other special techniques. In practice, however, ninjas avoid direct contact with ninja.

Therefore, various throwing, lontar, shoot, and camouflage tools are used more often. In contrast to other martial arts, Ninjutsu teaches espionage techniques, sabotage, paralyze opponents, and bring down the opponent's mentality. That skill was used to protect their ninja family. What the Ninja do is hard to understand. On the one hand have to fight to protect, on the other hand Ninja must apply "behave cruel and cunning" when using the moment to face the opponent.

On the other hand Ninpo teaches that one of Ninjutsu's goals is to activate their sixth sense. The combination of intuition and physical strength over long periods of time, allowing the Ninja to activate their sixth sense, so as to get to know others well and understand issues in various disciplines.

The Danger headset for brain and ear

Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain about a little health. That bahay headset for ear and brain. Surely some already know the dangers of headsets. What is clear, we still use it. Sometimes using the headset has its own sensation. What's more when I hear music. It's as if the room is ours and the song we hear can be heard more clearly even if others do not listen.
Listening habits of portable music player (PMP) such as MP3 can make elinnga injury. It happens if often use it by using high volume. Based on the research, adverse effects will come if using the headset for 5 hours a week. The impact is permanent damage to the ear, the greatest possibility that occurs at a young age.
Currently the impact is not visible, but will be felt later. Regularly listening to personal music players in high volume when youth often has no impact on the listener. But the hearing ability can disappear.

Depends on the age of a person. It is divided into several levels. Light to mature sounds are between 25 and 40 dB. The higher level up to the heaviest sound quality 90dB or more that can be in the ole people around him.
Electromagnetic waves have an effect on brain electricity, but it becomes a question of some of the effects of these waves on brain damage? Until now there has been no strong medical evidence to prove it. But there are things that are negative from the use of headsets / earphones in the form:
1. Permanent damage to the ear
2. Loss of hearing in your 20s
3. Brain damage
4. Threshold of hearing.

Some ways to reduce hearing loss are to reduce the volume and reduce the time to listen with earphones. But often people menggunak earphones / headsets in crowded places such as the mall, bus station, and others. Become unknowingly tends to increase the volume.
                Some researchers also recommend listening not to exceed 100 dB. Given the sound outside the headset (car sound, diesel or lawn mower) can also damage the hearing system.

who am I?

Who Am I??

Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain a little about how to get us to know ourselves. Many are still wondering in my heart what my purpose is this life what is it?
One aspect of a very difficult life is knowing ourselves "WHO AM I?". Then adjusting to social demands and pressures.
In doing self-introspection all we have to do is get to know ourselves as a whole, so we can get to know our own advantages and disadvantages
We often have values ​​that are far different from the actual situation. We think we are perfect, it is not. Our self is so much deficient or otherwise, we always feel that we are always less even less once, it turns out we are not as bad as we think. But to really do introspection requires an honesty to yourself
With the right self-knowledge you can get a more precise self-concept. Thus you can work to develop the positive aspects and overcome the negative aspects you have so as to be able to perform positive attitudes according to the role that you run.
Personal development should also be in line with the adjustment to the social environment. This can evoke a sense of satisfaction, because in addition you are able to develop themselves.
One way to know the identity of the needs and motivations is based on Abraham Maslow's theory:
The order of the hierarchy of needs is:
1. Basic needs (Biological), such as clothing, food, physical and spiritual
2. The need for security
3. The need for love
4. The need for self-esteem

Have you ever thought for a moment about "who are you really?". This is the most important question in your life, few of us really know and realize who we really are. We are really drifting in our daily lives that it is often forgotten that the real people who are right to think about ourselves are not others.
Many of us assume that we are less important, less attractive to devote some of the time to him, many feel that the time spent is more valuable when used to gain insight about others than himself.
So start now, switch positive habits. Let's change ourselves from now on because the future will be just in your hands. If not you who else and kalu not now anymore. May be useful.

Why faith takes precedence over Islam.

Why faith takes precedence over Islam.

Assalamualaikum….!!! Shukran katsir for his attention who had taken the time to read my article. Which time I will discuss the problem of "why the pillars of faith are taught earlier than the pillars of Islam for converts?". Consider a hadith below:
Umar bin Khaththab Radhiyallahu anhu said:
One day, we (the Companions) sat near Rasululah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Suddenly a man appeared in a very white garment and his hair was very black. There was no sign of travel, and none of us knew him. He immediately sat down before the Prophet, then his knees rested on the knee of the Prophet and put his hands on both thighs of the Prophet, then he said: "Hi, Muhammad! Tell me about Islam. "
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "Islam is, you testify that no one is entitled to be rightly worshiped but only God, and verily Muhammad is Allah's Apostle; Establishing prayers; Pay zakat; Fasting in the month of Ramadan, and you perform the pilgrimage to the House of God, if you have been able to do it, "the man said," You are right, "we wondered, he who asked him also justified it.
Then he asked again: "Tell me about the Faith".
The Prophet replied, "Faith is, you have faith in God; His angel; His books; His Apostles; The Last Day, and have faith in the good and bad of God's destiny, "he said," you are right. "
He asked again: "Tell me about ihsan".
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "You should worship Allah as if you saw Him. Even if you do not see Him, He really sees you. "
The man said again: "Tell me when the Hour is happening?"
The Prophet replied, "The questioner is not more knowledgeable than the one asking."
He asked again: "Tell me about the signs!"
The Prophet replied, "If a slave woman has given birth to her master; If you see a person barefoot, without clothes (poor papa) and goat herders have competed in each other to build towering buildings magnificent. "
Then the man immediately left. I was silent, so the Prophet asked me: "O Umar! Do you know who asked? "
I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better," He said, "He is Gabriel who teaches you about your religion." [Muslim, no. 8]
From the above hadith we know that the beginning of Islam, and the pillars of faith. And also about ihsan and signs of doomsday. Now why should the pillars of faith be known earlier than the pillars of Islam. Pelu you know, the pillars of Islam is generally one of the obligatory rituals to do when it became a Muslim. And the pillars of Islam merpakan milestones of help from the pillars of faith. The pillars of faith are an act of believing in something. The purpose of believing is to keep in mind that God and his angels are the unseen and the real existence. So also with the book, rasul yaumussa`ah, and qadar good and bad.
I swapped it with a tree:

Which is the faith I suppose with roots, stems with islam and ihsan fresh leaves and also good fruit. The beginning of a tree from a seed that over time will grow roots that pierce to the ground. After growing several periods then grow the stem. After having strong roots and strong stems, fresh and fruity leaves are born which can be enjoyed by many people. So did the parable. The beginning of a seed in which the seed is from a sincere intention to return to the way of Allah, the root will automatically spread. With faith that continues to grow, a solid bar is born. Namely practice the content of the pillars of Islam with a sincere intention. If faith and Islam are strong, then ihsan and akhlakul karimah will get a positive side for people. All activity of a tree is from the root. So much so. The strength or absence of one's Muslims from his faith. If a tree has a pale leaf, then nothing else is problematic from its roots.

If the question arises "why the root already exists, stems and leaves / fruit already exists, but there are mentally mentally penzina, liar, thief etc?". They do not know yet, not sure there will be a day of vengeance. And it returns to one's faith that is his belief in the last day. And that means his faith is still flawed. And also he has not believed that Allah is all-seeing. If he believes he must feel that God is all-seeing. So adultery, stealing, ngupat, corrupt etc. It begins with the destruction of one's faith. Thus, that is why the pillars of faith were earlier observed than the pillars of Islam because of the whole activity that is connected with the course of a religious school of faith. And that belief is faith.

Why are we hungry fast when it rains ??

Why are we hungry fast when it rains ??

Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain a little about why we hunger faster when the rainy season compared to a mediocre day ?. Not uncommon to find when we are trapped in the rain, the stalls will be full of food consumers. Now the question can koq ya ?.
Basically that affects the body hungry fast is the body temperature. Cold air that makes the human body hungry fast with temperatures well below the standard temperature of the human body. The resulting hunger is triggered by changes in body temperature. When the temperature of the environment is higher than the body temperature, then the body will try to normalize it. When normalizing the temperature, it takes a lot of fuel and energy. Therefore, if you are in a cold place the body will burn faster energy so that people more quickly feel hungry. Fast burning energy will send hunger signals. This will make people greedily eat when it's rainy or cold.
Also similar when swimming, the body will also feel hungry. Because the water temperature concentration is cooler than the surrounding air. Soaking in cold water can lower a person's body temperature. Thus, when a person comes out of a swimming pool or into an atmosphere that is hotter, the body will try to normalize.
You need to know, all our tubes start from cells, tissues and internal organs have an automated system in managing all systems to stay in normal circumstances. At the time of the rainy season the air is clearly more cold directly affect this body temperature. Normal body temperature ranges between 36.5 - 37.2 degrees Celsius will come down. For that will automatically the body will try to keep the body temperature remains normal by making more calories through the process of metabolism.

The reason why the fly likes to rub his feet

The reason why the fly likes to rub his feet

Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain a little about the world of animal insects. Surely you all know by whose name flies we know flies are very dirty insects. Because always hingggap in dirty places. If a fly perches above a carcass then the fly also settles on your food, you will also eat the substances contained in the carcass. So that's why children often get diarrhea. But there is another question. Why sometimes the fly looks rubbed his hand ?. When I asked my sister about it why the fly rubbed her forelegs. He replied, because he started hungry. Sangking laparnya he rubbed his hands like kayak in cartoons. Wkwkwkw .... !!. Almost a fly rubbing his legs it is very dangerous for us. Moreover kalu already hingggap in food.
                The fly's feet consist of fine feathers. So when the fly perch on an object, then the germs that are on the object attached to the legs. The germs make the fly uncomfortable. So he cleaned his legs with a rub. In addition, flies can perch anywhere. Up to perch on the slick glass though. Flies can do that because in the fly's feet there is a liquid that can make the stick sticking to the increased object that can make it stick. Hence flies also like rubbing his feet is not so that the adhesive lubricant can spread on his feet. But, If the glass is dust, then the fly can not stick. Then the fly's feet have a sense of smell. It can be used to find food. So the fly can taste the deliciousness of the food through its legs.

The unique thing of multiples of 5

The unique thing of multiples of 5

          The unique thing of multiples of 5

          Hello reader ... .. !!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This time I will explain a little math. Maybe there is one of you that math phobia? Haha ... but this is not a count. But about the unique thing of multiples of five in everyday circumstances. Previously I would explain a little what is a multiple.
                Multiples are a number multiplied by the same value. Example:
5x5 = 25
5x5x5 = 125
5x5x5x = 625
Dst ......................
                Fire once again I am not explaining the deep things about mathematics. Because I am also a mathematical phobia. Hehehe. But here I explain the things we often know about multiples of five.
1. Can be divided end 0 (zero) and 5 (five)
One of the uniqueness of the mathematical field is if a number at the end is 0 (zero) or 5 (five), then the number can be divided by any number.

2. Whatever the case, keep five
Do you understand? I mean like this. If you sell an item, surely you will sell by membardol price Rp 20.000, - if the goods you sell not so expensive. Even if you sell goods that are not expensive, surely you also sell it also keep wearing a multiple of five. If you sell your motorcycle, chances are you will sell it around Rp 20.000.000, -. Or Rp 20,500,000, -, depending on the destination.

3. It could be an additional snack loh ... !!.
If you sell your goods for Rp 2.000.000, - for example. So, for example the possibility if your money is used 500,000. So your money is 1,500,000. Hhmmm .... Roughly it becomes a bit. If people are mercenary. Because many people are just focused on the value of the unit alone. Because the unit value is reduced. So sometimes we also meet people who sell their goods by adding 500,000 or other multiples. It's okay for jajan.wkwkwkw.

4. Add the unit value to the number.
This is as I explained above just now. Kalu above bberkurang, but now become up. Suppose you will sell 2 items each with a price of 2,500,000. If both sell, surely you will get 5,000,000. Your unit value goes up. Remember…!!! There are still many people who focus on the value of the unit. Can be made in business ni ... hehehe ... !!!.

5. easy to calculate.
It is equally parallel to calculating the multiple of two. But if it is a multiple of five, we can count in numbers greater than two. And also often you use when counting hours. Surely you've also seen people counting in multiples of five like this
And it's nothing else to be easy to count instead of ??.




Hello reader .... !!! Ahlan wa sahlan and kastiran syukran already menyempatkan read my article. Have you feel luck ??. I think you've felt it. And that's the unlikely thing. And have you ever felt coincidence ??. Suppose you want to find someone. And it happens that the person you are looking for happens to meet. Well…!! Surely you have experienced it. But does that luck come by itself ??. This is what I will discuss for all of you.

X Keberuntungan = KebetulanX

         Basically, we think we can pass or receive from one company is because of luck. It is also a sustenance. But none other than comes from our efforts guys. Because luck is the process of our efforts. For people who believe, then they will say that luck is a process or effort that we do include the readiness of skills and also opportunity. Sometimes people say "ust. I already have a solid skill ni. But I chance that ga ad. Ga no chance ". But remember !!, the opportunity is equal to the skill readiness. Never say that readiness is greater than chance. But when the readiness is ripe, then the opportunity will come by itself. Depending on our own business. It is only for pessimists who say that the opportunities are few. The creative person functioning right brain he will never complain and will never say "ustadz ... !!! I have no chance  ".
                If there is a child born rich and poor. Are the rich boys lucky ??. I say no. Because back to his parents. His parents are the ones who are trying to make money to become rich. While the poor child too. You need to know that the business of the rich and the poor child is 50-50 (fifty fifty). If the rich son of his father dies and the child gets inherited, return to the child whether the money is for a useful thing or buy all the luxuries and then run out just like that. So also to the poor child. Although he was all limitations, but he still tried to be able to pay tuition, eat etc. So that is, luck is a process, not a coincidence.

              So, for those who believe. In this world no one is lucky. But all that is through our own efforts. So if anyone says "lucky we are born in the state of Islam / believer". It's also not said to be lucky why ?. Because, people born from the stomach of Christians and Jews still can enter Islam. And also on the contrary we are born from the belly of a Muslim can also get a chance to become infidels depending on our efforts. Means that business plays an important role would be our ap. Want to become a Muslim, or apostate to be kafir. Remember.!! The key to success is the readiness of skill / skills are mature accompanied by opportunities. Opportunity will always be there as big as your readiness.

Islam is perfect religion

The religion that is blessed with Allah is only Islam
Shukran katsir for his attention who had taken the time to read my article. Which time I will discuss about the problems of religions that exist on this earth. Previously I apologize for this discussion in strengthen only to a believer. If we are questioned by people "why is it that Islam is called the most correct religion on earth as in Surah Ali Imran:
Ø¥ِÙ†َّ الدِّينَ عِÙ†ْدَ اللَّÙ‡ِ الْØ¥ِسْÙ„َامُ

"Truly the religion that is approved by Allah is only Islam." (Surah Ali Imran verse 19)

Okay..!!! This is what I will discuss. But maybe many of us who answered my religion is my religion is your religion religion. I'm not saying it should not be. However, for in terms of peacemaking peace the words may be spoken. But….!! You need to remember for a believer that Islam is real to its truth from other religions.

                The religion is divided into 2 parts. Ad-Din Al Ardhi (Earth) and Ad-Din As celestial (sky). Ad-Din Al Ardhi is a religion derived from the earth and created from the beliefs held by humans and not diturnkan in the form of revelations such as buddhas, hindu, konghucu, sinto, sikh, animism, etc .. Ad-Din As heaven is a religion that comes from the sky through the intermediate revelation that worship God and also has the Prophet as the choice of Allah SWT. Like Jews, Christians and Muslims. This time I will treat Ad-Din As Samawi. In essence the Jews, Christians and Islam also worship one god, that is Allah SWT. But there is also a reason why they can get off the line making their own religion. Here I will sort the name of his religion by age, Book and Prophet:
AGAMA                                                                                KITAB                                                    NABI

Then the question arises why the most true Islamic religion ?. The Book of Zabur and Torah used by Jews is temporary / temporarily reserved for Jews only. But the new book of the gospel revealed by the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and ordered to leave the old book (Zabur and Torah) to follow the shari'a of the Christians. And the gospels used by the Christians are also temporary. After the existence of the Jews and Christians, just came a new religion that is Islam which is called rahmatan lil`alamiin.yaitu is a religion that perfects the shari'a and the previous books. The Quran that was revealed by Prophet Muhammad SAW is mushaddiqal baina yadaihi that is confirmed the previous books and there is no doubt in it. Which, the earlier books were only for the sake of mensyariatkan his people. Zabur and Torah for the Jews, the Gospel for Christians, but the Quran is for all peoples and forever. So, the purpose of the birth of Islam to perfect the religions sebelmnya. And the previous religions were obliged to abandon their teachings and convert to the new religion of Islam. But that is what the Jews and Christians did not want. They do not want to abandon their methods and refuse to convert to Islam.
Another thing, the Jews themselves have experienced diversion. Although they used to worship Allah SWT, but they also worship other than Allah SWT. They are already inkar. Why in katakana inkar ?. Because the Jews are God's chosen people. That is why the Jews are very clever. And the smartest of them is apostasy and no longer acknowledge Allah as their god and make other god besides Allah that is Yahweh. As mentioned in Al-Fatihah's letter:

"Show us the straight path" (QS Al-Fatihah: 6)

"That is the way people - people whom you have bestowed favors to them, not the people who have their wrath nor their misguided path. '" (Surah Al Fatihah: 7)
As the explanation in the letter "is the way of those whom you bestowed favors upon them" ie the Jews. Dab is not the way in which murkai is also the Jews. God is angry with them because they have been given a lot of blessings, but they are apostates. That is why Allah is a maghdhub to them. Nor is the way of the perverted. Who in katakana perverted ?. That is the Christians. Because they consider the Prophet Isa is the son of God. Which Jesus has redeemed all the sins on earth. Not forgiveness of all sin is only God ?.

                Therefore, the decline of the Prophet Muhammad is nothing but to improve morals. And what to bring? That is the religion of Islam. And Prophet Muhammad SAW is the khatmul anbia` that is the cover of all the Prophets. If we ask the Prophet again it will not be able. So, with the bringing of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most correct religion. Because there is no religion after that.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Cigarettes Haram or Makruh


Hello reader ... !!!. Thank you for taking the time to read my simple article. This time I will explain about the dangers of smoking. You must know that the cigarette is a rod-shaped object that is burned and sucked. And the inhaled smoke is released into the free air, then inhaled by others. And that's taka sing again. Today is not just adults who suck, but teenagers and even children. I once asked my friend who also smokes "what causes you to come to smoke a cigarette?". My friend replied "let cool, slang and macho in front of girl". When I listen to that answer, I think I want to hit the head. And the answer is not just my friend ynag tanyain earlier, even all my friends that I know. This time I will want affirmation for smokers not to kill themselves and others.
                An expert survey of experts in Indonesia experts in 2007 stated that every hour there are 46 people died from smoking-related diseases in Indonesia. Smoking habits cause at least 30 types of diseases in humans. Diseases that arise depending on the level of hazards contained, the period of smoking, and how to smoke a cigarette. The younger the habit of someone to smoke, the more the risk the person gets the disease when old .

               In one cigarette contains 7,000 chemicals, 200 of which are carcinogenic. That is the substance that merusa genes in genes that trigger the occurrence of cancer. Such as lung cancer, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Or also other cancers such as nasofarings, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and uterus. Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries can cause heart disease, hypertension, stroke risk, early manopause, osteoporosis, infertility and impotence. Smoking also improves one's unstable development. As you can see people smokers rapid growth, but not yet entered in the phase. And also you encounter the smoker's faster emotions and tinkah lakunya rather a bit stubborn. Can be baked so.
                In addition to yourself, smoking is also harmful to people who inhale the smoke. The biggest tobacco tobacco produced from the tip of a cigarette that is not inhaled. Because the smoke produced comes from incomplete burning of tobacco. Cigarette smoke contains harmful substances such as benzene, nicotine, nitrosamines, amines, aromatics, naphthalene, ammonia, oxidant cyanides, benzapirin carbon monoxide, and others. These particles will settle in the airways and are very harmful to the body. The sediment of cigarette smoke is also easily attached to objects in the room and can last up to more than 3 years, still dangerous. The dangers of people who inhale the smoke are three times more dangerous than those smoked aduuuh ... please deh !!. Lung specialists from royal trauma hospitals say, as many as 25% of the harmful substances contained in cigarettes into the body of smokers. While the other 75% inhaled by people around. The concentration of harmful substances in the body of passive smokers is greater because the incoming toxins are unfiltered. While the toxins that enter into the body of active smokers filtered by the foam tip of the cigarette perokook suction.
                So from now on stop smoking. Do not let someone's future disappear because you are a savage smoker. And also do not you kill yourself instead of suicide it's a big sin ?. Do not you already kill yourself, then kill others indirectly. Multiply your sin. If a smoker says smoked, macho. What a macho if young smoked old already sickly. What's that maco ?. After all the suction is a car exhaust that is the same substance as what is in the cigarette. Even more dangerous than car exhaust. If there is also a saying if smoking it would be a real man in the eyes of girls and can be girlfriend. Wleh weleh .... !!!. Even the most hate girls with smokers. Even my friend also said something similar. For his own health aja kaga in guard let alone his girlfriend, it's called the real man ?. In the Qur'an has been said.
"And do not you plunge yourself with your own hands into the abyss of destruction." (Surah Al Baqarah (2): 195)
"And do not you kill yourself." (Surah An Nisa (4): 29)
Clearly cigarettes are forbidden. For those who say makruh because they are already opium with cigarettes and do not want to blame themselves if they sin. Even pretentious. If there is a question "kiayi-kiayi now also smoking. Even they are more understanding of religion. ". Now I dare to answer "you want to follow rasulullah or kiayi today ?. Only Rasulullah al ma`sum keeps from the mistake of hasan albanna.
Imam Hasan al-Banna Rahimahullah said: "Every human being can be taken or abandoned by their words, so also what comes from the righteous salafus before us which is in accordance with the Qur'an and As Sunnah, except only the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Which should be accepted, should not be rejected, pen) ... "(Al Imam Asy Syahid Hasan al Banna, Majmu'ah Ar Rasail, p.306 Maktabah at Taufiqiyah, Cairo.
And for the kiayi be careful because Allah says:
"And say not unto what your false tongue speaks of" It is lawful and It is haraam ", to invent a lie against God. Lo! Those who invent a lie against Allah are not fortunate. "(Surat an Nahl (16): 116).
So give an example to others Because From Abdullah bin Amr bin al Ash Radhiallahu 'Anhu, that Rasulullah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

"Surely Allah does not pluck the science just like that in man, but the deprivation of knowledge through the death of the scholars. So that the knowledgeable man is not left, then humans make the fools deal with their affairs. They were asked then answered with no knowledge. Finally, they are misleading and misleading. "(Narrated by Bukhari, see Shaykh Fuad Abdul Baqi, Al lu'lu 'wal Marjan, Kitabul' ilmi, p.457, hadith No. 1712. Darul Fikri, Beirut. 1423H / 2002M)

"Truly among the signs of doom is the taking of knowledge (religion) of the ashaghir." (Narrated by Abdullah bin al Mubarak, in Zuhd's book, with sanad hasan).

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015



  Hay guys ... !! Tau ga if the world of broadcasting is important ??. What else for you who really want to become a broadcaster. As it turns out, although it's important for someone who wants to be a broadcaster, it's also important for someone. What else to train a person's personality such as mental, vocal, speaking etc. But there are some you are still confused stock what should be brought ?? ... haha..ga papa.saya there tipsnya.

1. Know about the song
    It is certain in the world of broadcasters that we must know the various songs. Either the singer, or the title. In fact we should also know the album and the history of the group / singer itself. And you not only have to like songs that you like aja guys, but all good songs pop, jazz, rock, classic and even R & B guys.

2. Love a mic like you love a lover
     Sometimes there are people who feel afraid when talking using a mic, with the reason of being afraid of talking because the voice we issued was heard by others. But it does not want you have to brave gys to be a broadcaster. How to love him like you love your lover. Will feel nostalgic to see it and be a place to vent you so you can chat with her.

3. Know what to sample
The term people today say tu blak. Talk to yourself and answer yourself. And do not know what unformation is in sampein. Remember bung. !!! It is also necessary. The name of the announcer that provides information to the audience yan listen

4. Have a broad insight
Not just a song, but you also have to know about the information or news-beriya which again update cuy. Moreover, the news that the audience must know and useful

5. Have an interesting broadcast style and clear vocals
Tekadang with your interesting style of talk can provoke the attention of the audience loh. Will even wonder who ya ?. Broadcast style is important where your personality tu teliha do you cheerful, strong power and fit. Also from the vocals you say. Do not let the information you submit becomes a turn. Contonya on these words. "Often used on guitar". Because pengennya quickly so spoken "string used on the guitar". Actually you do not make strings, but other objectives. But because of the string, eating the audience assumes Plan B.

Excess AND COFFEE deficiency


Hllo reader ... !!! Thank you for taking the time to read my ordinary article. This time I will explain about the benefits and lack of coffee itself. Coffee is a favorite drink of men and women who supposedly can eliminate sleepiness, especially for people who are staying up and fond of staying up hehehe .... !!. But consuming coffee is no benefit, but there are shortcomings for your body as well. Well…!!! Here is the explanation.
                In the world of medicine, caffeine is used for cardiac stimulants and increases urine production. In the lower caffeine serves to increase stamina and reduce pain. The mechanism of action of caffeine in the body is to compete with the function of adeosine (one of the brain cells that makes a person sleep fast) where caffeine does not slow the movement of body cells, but caffeine will reverse all the work of adenosine so the body no longer drowsy. But there is a feeling of freshness, a bit of excitement, eyes wide open, heart racing, eyes open, muscles will contract and the heart will release the sugar into the bloodstream that will form extreme energy. And that's why this type of stamina-generating drink is made from caffeine.
                Coffee tenyata also have losses, one of which is the effect of dependence. Drinking coffee terny also increase the risk of stroke. And also will increase the risk of damage to blood vessel walls. Caffeine also causes insomnia, easy guguo, headache, feeling tense and irritable. In pregnant women, it is advisable not to drink coffee and consume foods containing caffeine. This is because caffeine can increase heart rate. In the fetus can attack the placenta and into the fetal blood circulation. The worst impact can make a miscarriage.