Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015



  Hay guys ... !! Tau ga if the world of broadcasting is important ??. What else for you who really want to become a broadcaster. As it turns out, although it's important for someone who wants to be a broadcaster, it's also important for someone. What else to train a person's personality such as mental, vocal, speaking etc. But there are some you are still confused stock what should be brought ?? ... haha..ga papa.saya there tipsnya.

1. Know about the song
    It is certain in the world of broadcasters that we must know the various songs. Either the singer, or the title. In fact we should also know the album and the history of the group / singer itself. And you not only have to like songs that you like aja guys, but all good songs pop, jazz, rock, classic and even R & B guys.

2. Love a mic like you love a lover
     Sometimes there are people who feel afraid when talking using a mic, with the reason of being afraid of talking because the voice we issued was heard by others. But it does not want you have to brave gys to be a broadcaster. How to love him like you love your lover. Will feel nostalgic to see it and be a place to vent you so you can chat with her.

3. Know what to sample
The term people today say tu blak. Talk to yourself and answer yourself. And do not know what unformation is in sampein. Remember bung. !!! It is also necessary. The name of the announcer that provides information to the audience yan listen

4. Have a broad insight
Not just a song, but you also have to know about the information or news-beriya which again update cuy. Moreover, the news that the audience must know and useful

5. Have an interesting broadcast style and clear vocals
Tekadang with your interesting style of talk can provoke the attention of the audience loh. Will even wonder who ya ?. Broadcast style is important where your personality tu teliha do you cheerful, strong power and fit. Also from the vocals you say. Do not let the information you submit becomes a turn. Contonya on these words. "Often used on guitar". Because pengennya quickly so spoken "string used on the guitar". Actually you do not make strings, but other objectives. But because of the string, eating the audience assumes Plan B.

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